I remember being in charge of trophies for that event and putting together probably 50 trophies total. The class designation on the roof was done with press on letters as was the place, 1st, 2nd or 3rd, on the door. I can't remember if the letters were then clear coated...maybe. The die cast cars were available at the time in bulk (collectors items by now!) and the walnut base came from Athletic Supply via their trophy department. The dash plaques were ordered from one of the specialty suppliers and came with double back tape.
Thought you might enjoy seeing some more "Stuff" from the '70's.
- Bert Lobberegt
The trophy was not given away at the event because of the lack of entries in that class. Only one trophy awarded.
SAMOA participants in the August 1970 event were: Chuck Heleker, Ellen Dawson, Jim Dawson, Mike Howze, Jim Kirbach, Dave Merkel and Dean Warren -- the later two driving a Corvette!
There was also 3-person team competition with SAMOA taking third on the basis of Chuck Heleker's and Ellen Dawson's first in class E and SPP and Jim Dawson's 3rd in C.
My parents were in that event! Possibly driving their 1957 TR3, and possibly as part of the TYEE Triumph Club.
They later joined SAMOA from the mid-70's to the mid-80's, and purchased a Mini Countryman (as a family car) since we grew out of the minimalist back seats in that TR3!
I've got that trophy (one of the 50) packed away somewhere. I should bring it to the 40th and find out what class my parents won!
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