Friday, June 15, 2007

1971 Red Baron Run

And you thought the term "ART CAR" was something new? In the late 60s and early 70s The Tyee Triumph Club held the annual RED BARON RUN autocross. It was a big hit with SAMOA autocrossers as it was a chance to decorate their Minis too!

In May of 1971 the event was held at North Seattle Community College and SAMOA participants met early at the Denny's just west of I-5 on Northgate Way. In this group of photos you'll see Jim Kirbach's Cooper S (ex-Dick Penna) being prepared for battle, Dave Merkel's custom MkI (note the MkII tail lights!) and at the event, the huge crowd is rivited on Chris Miller's Cooper S and Chuck Heleker tightens his helmet strap just prior to a run in "The Grape" (check out that ultra-groovy paint job!). Northgate is barely recognizable in the background of the Kirbach photo and try not to shed a tear when you see the gas prices in the background of the Merkel photo!

1 comment:

MiniMe said...

The couple to the right in the photo of Chris' car is my sister Dee and her late husband Duff Lowery. Duff ran his TR3 in that Red Baron event. Don