Thursday, May 17, 2007

Long-distance RSVP

With an rsvp attached to the second mailing to past members it's encouraging that most responses have been positive so far. One of the few regrets came all the way from Illinois:

"This is my Moke in 2003. Not much has changed since then. It’s a 1965 English Moke with a Cooper 998 engine. I’ve owned it for about 25 years. I was a member of SAMOA back in the late '60s after meeting Jeorge Judkins in a Sears parking lot in Key West, Florida where I lived at the time. (Jeorge was probably looking for an autocross -ed.) At the time I had the honor of being the furthest-distant SAMOA member. Even though I am a starting member of MINIS IN NORTHERN ILLINOIS, I have always had a spot for SAMOA. All the best and hope to see some of you at future Mini Meets…." Dick Range

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