Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Another rarity from 1970

Here's a tough one for even the long-time members to guess. It looks like this photo was taken at the same autocross at Tacoma Community College as the Ellen Dawson photo below. And by now just about everyone should be able to guess that's Jeorge Patience (or maybe Judkins by then) sitting in the Mini. But do you know the name of the young gentleman standing in front of the car? Extra bonus points if you remember the fellow who owned the VW yet autocrossed as a SAMOA member.


cheleker said...

I know! I know!
The guy in the glasses is still a club member.
The owner of the VW is not.

Kathleen said...

I think the guy in the photo is Chris Miller.

cheleker said...

Chris is the one hidding behind the glasses.
Tony Schmidt is the VW owner.

cheleker said...

Way in the back ground, just to the right of what looks like a blowing white dress I think yours truly is the one with the shirt off flanked by Jim Dawson on the left and brother George on the right. Fortunately, the photo isn't good enough to enlarge to find out.