The TRUTH at last, at least about all the SAMOAns who've had their mitts on this nice little Mini. Chuck Heleker found this 1974 Canadian Mini 1000 in the mid-seventies at Fisherman's Terminal in Seattle. Catherine Bell, a Canadian living aboard a fishing boat, had it for sale. The rent had just gone up for the fish locker she'd been storing the Mini in. Bert Lobberegt purchased the Mini for his girlfriend at the time, Denyse McFadden but Denyse didn't quite catch the Mini bug and Chuck bought it back. Tim Corbett then purchased it from Chuck and when Tim moved to Corvallis he sold it to Michael Palmer. Michael in turn sold it to current owner, Barbara Praefke who has just installed a spiffy new 1275cc motor. We don't expect to see the orange Mini change hands again any time soon!
Tim Boyd got part of the history right and though Kathy (Dawson) Moellenberndt thought Jim Kirbach might have owned the car his name hasn't been mentioned by any of the previous owners. Of course, all previous owners and the car will be at the reunion. Let's see if they'll all fit in the Mini at the same time!
Is this the mini that corbet bought from Chuck?
Did that originally belong to Jim Kirbach??
Kathy(Dawson) Moellenberndt
Kathy (D) M is remembering Jim's red Candian Mini. Perfect shape until it sat in Jim's front yard and literally rusted to pieces. Chris Miller bought what was left, salaved some of the pieces and sent the rest off to that great Mini junk yard in the sky.
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