We want every former SAMOA member to know that they're invited to the reunion but in spite of our efforts we haven't been able to locate these folks. If you know the whereabouts of any of the following people please email us. It's qwickmini@gmail.com
(F) - indicates they've since been located
Aiken Jack and Velva
Albrecht Bill
Anbel John
Anderson Curt
Andriessen John (F)
Arcese Pete
Areskog Richard
Arnold Larry (F)
Augustin Kareen
Baker Mike
Balthazor Arnie
Barna Lynne
Barnes John
Barrett John (F)
Barrett Paul H
Bastian Doug & Beth
Beard Robert (F)
Beatty Ron & Ella
Beebe Barbara (F)
Behen Todd
Bell Carolyn
Bernier Greg (F)
Blabolil Marcel
Blackman Fran (F)
Blatter Eric & Marina (F)
Blomgren Shirley
Bognar Illes (F)
Bolgrien Cheryl
Boone Ron
Bothomley Brian
Bouldry Forrest (F)
Boyer Bill
Bradey Wayne
Brandt Carl
Brewer Holly & Martin
Brownlee Daryl
Bryan Patrica
Buchan Patton (F)
Burnett Jim
Burns Tim & Sheri
Butler Fred
Buttolph Milan
Callaghan John
Campain Jennifer
Campbell Mike & Bobbie (F)
Carlson Brian
Carlson Jim & Susie
Carter Howard
Casselton Bob & Chris
Chafin Steve & Dawn
Clark Larry (F)
Clark Matt
Clark Ralph (F)
Clarke Steve, Gresham, OR
Clayhold Kyle (F)
Coffey Dan
Cole Chuck
Cook Pat
Corbett Karen
Cornelius Lawrence
Cornick Ernie
Cowdry Joe (F)
Crabtree John
Crain Joe
Cravens Charles
Cross Steve
Culp Bill & Marlene
Culver Chip
Culwell Bill
Cummings Mark R
Dasenbrock Diedrich (F)
Davidson Scott
Davis Scott & Tiffany
Dawson Brian
Day Jim & Pat
De Bauw Bob & Sue
Dinkfield Dan
Dittenberger Mark
Dominy Bryan
Doring Craig
Duncan Chester & Carol
Dyrud Jarl
Ebersole Gary
Edwards Jeremy
Ellis Harry
Erickson Randy
Fargo Frank
Ferrell Andy & Karlene
Fisher Don
Flore Kathy
Frederick Robert
French Art
Garnier (Clausen) Dev (F)
Geer Ron
Gentry Jock
Giger Dave & Debbie
Graham Bruce & Bonnie
Graham John
Gray Dave
Green David
Green Neville
Griffin Michael
Griffith William
Griswold Jeff
Griswold Linda
Groves Gary
Hall Greg
Hall John
Hall Robert
Halstead Derrick
Hamilton Mike
Hansen Brian
Harger Tom
Harris Andy
Harty James
Hawes Robert (F)
Hedrick Jeff (F)
Hedrick Jim
Heleker George
Helton Whitey
Hey Tony
Hillman Keil
Hobday Ian
Hoffard-Blaauw David
Holland Bob
Holte Mike
Honsberger James (F)
Hoover Patricia
Hope Bob
Howell Dennis
Howze Mike & Billie (F)
Humphrey Josh
Hunt Gary
Jacobs Al
James Greg
James Keith
James Patrick
Jameson James
Jans Richard
Jensen Al
Johnson Chris
Jones Howard & Linda
Jones Mike
Jones Pete
Jorgensen Joe
Judkins Mike
Juhola Doug
Kaiser Joe
Kaiser Rusty
Kalberer Ray
Kampe Jim
Kavanaugh Steven
Kavanaugh Webster
Kennedy Bob
Kerbaugh Arlen
Kilmer Bob & Phylis
Kilmer Chris
Kinder Bruce
Klages Barry
Komko Ric
Korn Dennis
Krzysik Scott
LaBelle Ken & Kathy
LaFay Ty
Lafollet Kathleen
Lamb Ross
Largent Larry
Larson David
Larson Jeff
Larson Mike
Ledgerwood Kelly
Lessley Tim
Levine Jerome
Lovric Ivo
Lucas Robert
Luman Dave & Linda
Luna Omar
Machaud Tamela
Mackesy James
Marcos Mike
Marsh Brian
Martin Ken
Mast Margaret
Matz Tom
May Jim & Carol
McCarthy Mike & Jennifer
McCurdy Clay
McGladrey Jeorge (F)
McGrath Bob
McKay Tom
Meier Terry
Meislahn Risa
Merkel Dave
Merrill Steve
Metherell Dennis
Mevis Dick & Janice
Meyer Jay
Michel John
Millison C
Mills Christopher
Miseke Richard
Monet Roger
Morris Jeffery
Mosher David
Moulton Larry
Moulton Moe
Muillen Linda
Nans Jim
Neale William
Neher Tom
Nel Gregory
Nestler Gary
Newton Cam
Nicholson Bob (F)
Nordwall Arnold
Nugent Michael
O'Keefe John
Olson, Jr. Harold
O'Neil John
Orris Paul & Gen
Palmer Bob, Greenwood Electric
Parr Bill & Dorothy
Patricio Tim
Pazeotopolous Andy
Peck Kevin & Cheryl
Perrins Kevin
Peterson Tony
Pettigrew Winter (F)
Pinkerton Sean
Pond Marc (F)
Powter Michael
Presley, Jr. Jim
Price Rick
Ragsdale David
Ramsey Bryan
Reid Les
Reifel Chuck
Riggins Tim
Riggs Brian
Robbins Curtis
Robertson Paul
Robinson John
Rodriquez Rick
Roffey James
Ronning Nancy
Ross Steven
Rost Steve
Rouke Ben
Rowland Dan
Russell Chris
Russell Kevin
Russell Stan
Ryan Jim
Sander Dean
Sawyer David
Schofield, III Henry W (F)
Schwab Dan
Schwartz David & Carla
Seguine Dennis
Seibel Wayne
Sherwood Barth
Silvers Peter
Simmons Linda
Slayman Bill & Joan
Smith Norm
Staatz Rollins, Shelly (F)
Stamper Bill
Stark David
Stepp Tom
Strom John
Stueben Allen
Sullivan Sully & Joan
Sweeney Margaret
Sweet Richard
Toledo Ed
Torkelson Pete
Trefts Mark
Umbarger Frank
Valentine Bill
Valentine George
Van Aubel John & Katie
Van Dyk Grant & Jocelyn
Vannoy Randy
Vaughan Alan
Vergillo Dean
Viselli Wes
Volkstorf Erich
Von Stubbe Mark
Wade Dennis
Wallace Jack
Walston Jonathan
Wark Donald
Washburn Robert
Weber Dave
Weber Greg
Weber Paul
Weber Steve
Wescott Dean
Wicklund, Jr. Jay (F)
Wilfong Todd
Williams Glenda
Williams James
Wills Keirr
Wilson Sheila
Wohl Larry
Wolcoski Derek
Wood Jeff
Woods John
Worst Charles
Wright Don
Wuast Gerhardt
Yarger Frank
Yerkovich Dan
York Dennis
Yost Steven (F)
Wow, that's a lot of people to locate! The good news is there's an even larger number of former members that we've already located!
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We've got some current and active Samoa names on this list. Steve Clarke and James Thompson for two.
The name on the crumbly registration in the white Granite Falls Barn Find Mini was Torkelson. Maybe we could re-unite Pete and his Mini at the re-union, if he can be found.
Don Dixon (MiniMe)
Thanks Don. I think we already have Pete's address. -Ed
Bob Holland needs an (F) after his name. Is this an old list?
Not an old list, an old list keeper!
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